
Psychology is the science of human behaviour and experience. Psychologists aim to find out about human behaviour by conducting research to understand and explain thought and emotion.

Both the A level and GCSE courses introduce students to the broad range of Psychology topics. The emphasis is on applying knowledge and understanding, thereby developing students’ transferable skills of analysis, evaluation and critical thinking.

Key Stage 4

TermYear 10Year 11
1Memory PerceptionBrain and Neuropsychology, Psychological Problems Language, Thought & Communication
2Perception DevelopmentLanguage, Thought & Communication Social Influence
3Research MethodsRevision and Exam Technique

Assessment Information

Students will sit two examinations at the end of Year 11, each 1 hour 45 minutes long. Each examination is comprised of a combination of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions. The content from Year 10 is assessed in Paper 1 and the content from Year 11 is assessed in Paper 2.

Key Stage 5/Sixth Form

TermYear 12Year 13
1Approaches, Research Methods, Social, MemoryResearch Methods, Forensics, Relationships, Schizophrenia
2Attachment PsychopathologyRelationships Biopsychology Recap, Issues and Debates
3Biopsychology, Revision and Exam TechniqueRevision and Exam Technique

Assessment Information

Psychology A level is a linear qualification, which means that students will sit three examinations at the end of Year 13 to gain the A level certificate. These examinations, which assess all content covered in both Year 12 and Year 13, last two hours each and consist of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions.

Revision Websites

